Our suppliers


10DAYS suppliers

We care about the planet as much as we care about our products, that is why it’s important to us where and how our products are made. Unfortunately, in the fast fashion industry many clothes are made in big factories with bad working conditions and no fair wages. At 10DAYS we don’t want to be a part of this and we try to be as ethically responsible as possible.


Clothes are produced all over the world and mostly these clothes travel a long way to get to their final destination. To make this travel as short as possible, we try to produce most of our items close to home. This results in less CO2 emission per item (because of the shorter travel distance), better wages and utmost transparency due to the monthly personal visits and quality controls by our production/design team.

Today, 79% of our collection is made in Europe and we are currently working to get to 83% by the end of this year.[[COL-BREAK]] 


In all our factories (non-European and European) we always ensure good working conditions and fair wages. We make sure that all our suppliers offer their employees a clean workplace, normal workload, a healthy and safe environment and more.

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